Wednesday, 27 July 2011


What’s in it? What lies beyond the seemingly conceivable facade? To what extent do gestures and body languages reveal about the ingenuity of a person’s speeches, actions and intentions? What’s in this basic tool that is generally mysteriously incomprehensible for us? How far can our primitive instincts and intuitions aid us in reading the unconventional books so that we bond appropriately?

It comes in various forms. For me, it is an area worth exploring, cultivated, re-enacted till perfection and broadcasted. All of us were born to act as it is a necessary kit to fit into the society by and large through acceptable norms of speech, emotions depicted by our facial expressions, and the ways we bring ourselves about. The only differences are the reasons for which this tool is used and the extent to which this area is explored. But since the option of acting appears to be far-fetched at this stage, expression through words is a viable alternative.

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